Second-hand products
Industrial paper and foil waste management

We are taking care of

our environment!

As we all know the unproper waste management is a globabal problem. Our company help to handle this problem as many ways as possible.

  • We are selling second-hand products. (it means 100%-recycling, in other words it is reusing.)
    • This is one of the most eco-friendly packiging form. Top of all that, it is far more cheaper then it’s new alternatives. 
    • Check out our second hand products, you will be surprised on it’s quality.
  • We are collecting industrial paper and foil waste, which will be moved directly to our partner factories for recycling.
    • From the paper waste new paper packaging products will be made.
    • From the foil waste plastic granules will be produced.
  •  Contact us, if you would like to buy second-hand products, you have paper or foil waste for sale or you have the possibility to make recycled products from the waste.  Help us to make the waste management sustainable, let’s be partners.


second-hand grayboard

We provide second-hand grayboard products, in different size and weight. We have them in a quite good quality. If you choose this product, not just the planet but also your wallet will be thankful. 

secod-hand cardboard

You are able to get second-hand cardboard sheets from us. These sheets are in a very good condition and shape. It’s price is much lower than the price of the new ones.

second-hand cardboard boxes

If you need cardboard boxes, and the second-hand boxes can also do the trick, contact us for the available sizes.

second-hand big-bag sacks

We have a bunch of Big-Bag sacks in different sizes and colors. If you need them for any purpuse yo will find one of the best prices by us.

paper waste

If you generate industrial paper waste and you would like to sell it, or you are able to recycle it in vast amount, contact us.

foil waste

in case of you have industrial foil waste and you would like to make money of it. Get in touch.

If you could recycle the industrial foil waste, and you would like to have a stable incoming amount of it, send us a mail. 

Are you plan to be more eco-friendly?

Get in touch today!

contact us

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Opening hours

Monday – Friday 

8:00 – 16:00